Sunday 18 August 2013

Pygmalion Effect ......

Dream is the crux of all our efforts . It is something which keeps us going in hardest of time .
We all dream but in order to realize our dreams we need to write it down .
Because when we write our dream it becomes a goal .
Goal setting not only allows us to take control of our life's direction; it also provides a benchmark for determining whether we are actually succeeding. 
So effectively it all boils down to setting our goals .
This time mandi sir explained one very important element of goal setting through Pygmalion effect .
Pygmalion a play by George Bernard Shaw, and the musical My Fair Lady. 
In the Greek myth Pygmalion a prince of Cyprus carved an ivory statue of his ideal woman. He fell in love with the statue and named his love Galatea. The prince's expectations were realized when Galatea was given life by Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love.  
In My Fair Lady a character by the name of Eliza Doolittle is transformed from a flower girl into a sophisticated lady by professor Higgins who believed in her. 
The common theme in both of these stories is that the expectations of one person can impact the actions of another. 
Robert Merton a at Columbia University who conceptualized the self-fulfilling prophecy defines it as, "A false definition of the situation evokes a new behavior which makes the original false conception come true" . 
In other words, if one believes an individual ,will act or react in a certain way, one will create a situation that will cause the expected behavior to occur. This is the Pygmalion effect in action. 
So greater the expectation placed upon employees, the better they perform .
Shoot for the moon, if you miss you’ll still be in the stars
Other thing about goal setting that we all are aware about, that they need to be SMART i.e. specific , measurable achievable , relevant , time-bound .
But we did not restricted ourselves to this existing acronym , in fact it can be extended as below :-
S ---> Simple , stunning , Stupendous , satisfactory
M---> miraculous , marvelous , mind boggling , motivating 
A ---> amazing , affluent , attractive , admirable 
                                    R ---> refined , reliable , remarkable , respectable
                                    T ---> terrific , thrilling , transforming , truthful

In summary performance in individuals or teams can usually be increased 20 to 30% by addressing the factors of expectation

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